Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A little piece of my book I'm writting

The world view of “nothing is free” permeates our lives. We easily accept the nobody gives you anything for free mentality. Only when we understand and accept that the total of our salvation is of and by the completed work of Christ on the cross of Calvary can we ever fully abundantly experience and enter into peace, rest, joy
and hope.
All that I have to offer for my own salvation is as filthy rags in accordance with Isaiah 64:6. It cost Jesus his life and is given freely to all who accept it. I have nothing to offer, all I need to do is reach out and take hold of this great gift by faith. Freedom comes at the moment we realize and embrace this truth. Freedom of knowing we can do all things through Him. Freedom to experience His unconditional love for us.
Prayer takes on a new dimension. We can more fully embrace the joy we have, the hope we feel, the way we worship Him. Take ourselves out of the picture and everything in God and Christ is exalted, esteemed and venerated. Jesus truly becomes our prized possession. Gods’ promises for this life will remain unfulfilled as long as we continue to rely on ourselves.
It is hard to accept His free gift of salvation. We continuously feel unworthy and undeserving because of our own weaknesses and failures no matter how small they may be. We are literally held back by our own doing. We are always bound up in bondage with feeling unfit to pray and unworthy to even approach God. Because of our shortcomings, we assume God is justified in not hearing us or accepting us into His presence.
What a lie from the father of lies, the devil. Why is it so hard for so many to accept the truth? They really don’t believe “It…is…finished…!!” We can not accept the reality that an Awesome God would freely give us eternal life without wanting or requiring something as payment in return.
Remember Gods’ will is that none perish.
(picture above is not the actual cover)
It's what's inside that counts
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Believe it or not
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